Monday, September 28, 2009

Trey Mabray - Portrait

This is Aaron. He is an artist in Stillwater. He let me paint his face in a pattern that resembled the Phantom of the Opera. I like how the lines lead you to his face and his eyes look across the picture.
This works at the wine bar downtown. This picture plays on the rule of thirds composition element and the juxtoposition between the hard lines and dirty brick and the well dressed girl.

This is Jessa. She works at Zanotti's, the wine bar downtown. I photographed her between two buildings downtown. I like that it kind of plays on the depth of field and leading lines rule.

This picture is of my friend from high school. I decided to wrap black crepe paper around her face to give her a ninja-esque look. I like how her face fills the frame and her eyes play on the rule of thirds rule.


  1. These pictures are very creative. They look like they could be in a magazine.

  2. I LOVE your pictures. The lines in the first picture are really catching and her eyes in the last picture really stand out.

  3. Really cool how you changed their faces on the 1st and last photo to make them more interesting

  4. I like the second to last photo. I think it really shows the personality of her.

  5. I like how different they all are. You have a really great eye for environment! I agree with Lauren — the second to last one is my fave.

  6. I agree with Jacyln- all the shots are very unique. You're really talented! I'd love to see the shots you didn't post.
