Monday, September 28, 2009

An impromptu photo shoot broke out when we took a break during an all-nighter for a group project.. I dig the lighting

I think the reflection adds a cool context to this image. I'm not sure if she knew I was even taking this picture though..

Eat your heart out Party Pics.

Sunglasses at 5 in the morning. I like the texture of the hat and the subtle lighting.


  1. I really like the first one with the guitar-- it's really interesting. It's a little dark but I kind of like that.

  2. I like the smoke and guitar! Good job catching it all!!

  3. I like the second photo. I think the lighting was the best.

  4. With the second one, I literally said out loud, "That is sweet!" The lighting is groovy.

  5. I really like the last picture in this set. It's a little dark but I like how it makes her facial expression stand out.

  6. great work with the amazing light in the first couple. Middle two... well... who knows! Last one is classic. great feel with that unusual light and nice look from the subject.
