Monday, December 7, 2009

Photo Story-- The (Somewhat Awkward) Transition from Student to Young Professional

Andre Storey, a Business Management senior at Oklahoma State University, is preparing to graduate in December. He has spent the past few months searching for a job in human resources and acceptance to graduate school. Andre is one of many making the transition from "student" to "young professional" -- a rare stage where one is just as likely to live on Ramen noodles and Spaghettio's as he is to carry a top-notch portfolio and wear a new businesses suit.

Andre’s laptop is flipped open on his bed, which is strewn with ties and button-up shirts he had out in preparation for a career fair earlier that morning. His wardrobe says “business” but the way he throws it around definitely says “student.”

Andre discarded his nice business shoes behind his bedroom door on a pile of dirty laundry. His potential employers may not suspect that his nice dress shoes live on top of mildewed towels and SpongeBob boxers.

Around Andre’s house one can find signs of his current student life and of the professional life he aspires to have. He keeps up with HR Magazine to stay updated in his field—a very professional move-- but leaves a free plastic cup from this college town’s famous Mexico Joe’s on the cover.

Andre comes home from a job interview in his nicest suit, hooked up with his iPod and carrying grocery bags from Wal mart, where he buys Great Value products to save money. His dented car looks odd next to him in business dress and makes it obvious he is not yet employed.

Andre often studies in the Diversity Services office at OSU. Here, he is preparing for the GMAT he will soon take; he is dependent on high scores for entry into graduate school and to get a good job for experience before enrollment.

Andre talks to friends in the Diversity Services office, where large corporate posters on the walls remind him of the professional world he is trying so hard to enter.

Andre, a leader in his fraternity, Phi Beta Sigma, helps new pledge Jeremiah rehearse for the fraternity’s upcoming skit.

Andre and his co-host begin the Stroll Off event, where more than 20 Greek houses compete with skits and dances. Although he is leading the event, ever-connected Andre picks up his cell phone to chat with a fellow student while at the podium.

Andre and his co-host present the first competitors at the annual Stroll Off competition.

Andre kicks off the Stroll Off event in front of a large crowd at OSU’s Student Union Little Theater.

Andre shows student pride for his fraternity at the Stroll Off.

Andre performs a dance he choreographed with his fraternity brothers at the Stroll Off event.

Andre performs a dance he choreographed with his fraternity brothers at the Stroll Off event.

After months of studying, job searching, and balancing extracurricular activities such as his fraternity, Andre seriously considers Baylor University for graduate school and also for a job working in the school’s Human Resources department.

Andre excitedly tries on his graduation cap and tassel as he anticipates the big day.


  1. Congrats, Frat!!!

    William Jackson

  2. I just found this after I googled myself... I ended up at Trinity University and am very happy with my decision... Andre Storey
