Sunday, December 12, 2010

The Boston Avenue Methodist Church

The Boston Avenue Methodist Church, which is located in beautiful down Tulsa was finished in 1929. Boston Avenue has a rich history and currently is home to more than 8,000 members. "It is considered to be one of the finest examples of ecclesiastical art deco architecture in the United States and has been designated by the Department of the Interior as a National Historic Landmark," according to their website. The building is also listed on the National Resister of Historic Places.
The designer, Adah Robinson, wanted this limestone building to honor God. The buildings lines are to be an example of reaching toward God. As you look through these photographs you will notice that they all tie together with strong lines. "Light is a major symbol representing spiritual growth," according to their website. This is visible in each photographic taken.

This is the steeple of Boston Avenue. You can see the lines reach toward the sky.

The ceiling in the sanctuary is a sight to see. "The circular dome symbolizes the infinite," according to their website.

All of the lines are shown to lead to the pulpit. This is to focus on the word of God.

The lines in this picture are visibly reaching toward God.

This stained glass window is inside the Rose Chapel. The chapel is used for meditation and ceremonies.

These stained glass windows were also in the Rose Chapel. The lines again are represented as a way the church is leading to God.

This is a hymnal inside of the sanctuary. The reflection is of a stained glass window.

The stairwell above was not looked pass in the design of the church. They too join in the same architecture stylings of the rest of the church.

The south mosaic above is a representation of Christ's scriptures. I wanted to get a close up to show you the intricacy of the mosaic.

This is the long terrazzo known as the great hall, according the church. It is used for advent and lenten worship because of its wonderful acoustics.

This is the entrance to Bostan Avenue. You can see the arch from the terrazzo are also seen outside as well.

This is the church at night. "The building now stands as one of the most significant examples of art deco architecture in the world," according to their website.

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