Monday, March 1, 2010

Theta Pond

I decided to do my photo essay on campus at Theta Pond. I think it's a really beautiful area of campus, so I thought it would be fun to sit out there and observe. Unfortunately I forgot that it is winter still, so it was absolutely freezing most days I went out. This also meant not much activity as far as people go, other than people walking to and from class which was a bit boring in photos.
This first photo was actually funny because the geese or ducks or whatever they are were fighting, so I got a little scared at the last and walked away because I thought they might attack.

The pictures I took at night are some of my favorites because the lighting is so pretty.
I really liked these photos because of the reflections on the lake.

This picture was a challenge for me because I'm terrified of birds, so getting this close was a bit frightening. I'm glad I did because I think the picture is actually pretty cute.


  1. I was thinking the same thing doing my shoots outdoors. Each time I went I was out until I couldn't feel my fingers any more. Then I knew it was time to go home.

  2. Good job!!! I really like the night pics!!
