Monday, September 24, 2012

Assignment 4

Can't remember his name or company but he was looking to hire students into a mid-level investment firm to manage retirement funds for people. He was standing all alone at his table and was kinda bored. He was happy to have someone to talk to. He went very in depth about regulation and what goes into mid-level investing but it was way over my head.

This girl's name is Amber. She was looking for a job in a marketing firm but couldn't really get into talk to anyone. She was standing alone in the stair way. When I starting talking to her she looked like she was about to cry. 

So I told some dumb jokes to try to cheer her up. (Not for turn in, I need to get a reflective surface. I tried bracketing around it but I couldn't get lighting on her face that didn't blow everything else out with harsh light on her face making her all "squinty")

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