Monday, May 5, 2014

Ramsey - Final

Moriah Slavens is a senior apparel design major - she spent months designing and creating pieces to go in the OSU Euphoria Fashion Show.

Moriah explains the website where she finds inspiration for her design pieces. She printed one of her design fabrics from the website and used it for her final pieces.

This is called the "inspiration wall" located in the design lab. These are designs from magazines that students have placed on the wall to inspire them.

Moriah named her mannequin, Carmen, and works with it daily to design her pieces.

A younger apparel design major helps Moriah with one of her pieces. She always asks for help when she doesn't know an answer - even from younger students.

Moriah's professor, Diane Limbaugh,explains how to measure design pieces.

Moriah's work is tedious and requires concentration when cutting and measuring materials.

Jasmine,one of the models, checks her phone while being fitted for the fashion show. Moriah has multiple fitting sessions with the models to make sure the pieces are the right fit.

Moriah spends late nights working in the lab to finish her project by the deadline. During the final week, she stays each night until the lab closes at 11 p.m.

Moriah fixes a design piece backstage before the dress rehearsal. She knows exactly how she wants each piece to look, and she strives for perfection.

She works on last minute touches to her pieces during the dress rehearsal.

Moriah watches her models during the dress rehearsal to provide feedback on their modeling techniques.

Before the fashion show, she talks with her models in their dressing room {classroom}. The models are all Moriah's close friends.

Moriah's model, Lauren, models one of her design collection pieces. All of Moriah's collection has some sort of pink incorporated.

Moriah is introduced to the audience, while walking out with her model, McKenzie.

Moriah is awarded Most Marketable Collection and Best Senior Collection - a great way to end her
senior year.

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